About Us / Supporting Activities / English Enrichment Program (EEP)

English Enrichment Program (EEP)

English Enrichment program is an intensive program in Al-Fauzien that focuses on speaking and listening skills. It helps students to have an interactive, lively and motivating environment. Our classes run for a period of 1 hour in each classes, except for Kiddy Classes each session gets 30 minutes. We conduct our lessons using Communicative Language Learning where our students are required to interact with each other in either group or pair work to maximize student-centered learning. Apart from that, our lessons are designed to ensure that the students move on from guided practice to real life communication.

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Al Fauzien Islamic School

Blok. V Pesona Depok Estate, Jl. Margonda Raya No.12, Depok, Kec. Pancoran Mas, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16431

  (021) 776 0141

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developed by PT. Uswah Salam AlAzhar